
Clifford Wathen

Dear Doctor I wish to express my very sincere thanks for what you have done for me. Thanks for the trouble you took to explain the various scenarios concerning the operation and choosing the less invasive and more affordable option you could. I admire your professionalism and have come to the conclusion that for you, being a doctor, is a calling. Please convey my heartfelt thanks to Elize, your receptionist, for taking care of my granddaughter, Emma, during the consultations. You have earned my eternal gratitude.

Hetta Bowie

Doctor. Thank you very much for everything you've done for me. May the Lord bless you and keep you healthy each day. Thank you very much doctor.

Doreen Blaauw

Vir 4 jaar + het ek probleme met my knieë. Ek is verwys deur my huisdokter na Dr. Parker. Die beste verwysing wat ek in my lewe gekry het. Die eerste dag wat ek by sy spreekkamer ingestap het was ek gegroet met 'n glimlag. My mediese fonds wou nooit betaal vir 'n knievervanging nie en Dr. Parker het altyd met 'n oplossing gekom om die pyn te verlig. Nou, na al die jare het hy 'n maand terug my knievervanging gedoen en meer tevrede kan ek nie wees nie. Nog nooit het ek by Dr. Parker uitgestap en nie antwoorde gekry nie. Daar is min dokters wat soveel omgee en moeite doen vir sy pasiënte. Baie Dankie Trevor Parker - Jy is een uit 'n miljoen.

Paul Roux

My mother was so impressed with Dr. Parker that she recommended him to me, and I can definitely see why. He is an excellent surgeon who is very good at explaining what to expect from the surgery, as well as following up with me after the surgery.

Elsarina Pretorius

Ek was nuut in die Kaap, en nadat 'n ortopeet my gesien het, het ek dadelik ja gesê en sou binne 7 dae opgeneem word. My hart het my begewe en my gedruk om eerder verder navrae te doen voor ek sommer net sou ingaan. Dr. Trevor Parker se naam het by verskillende mense wat my ken, opgekom en ek het besluit om hom toe te nader. Dr. Parker het rustig en puntsgewys verduidelik hoe die operasie sou gaan en my dadelik gerus gestel, alhoewel ek alreeds deur 'n heupvervangingsoperasie was, wat moeilik vir my was. 'n Week later was ek opgeneem en het die nuwe heup gekry! Die personeel was wonderlik, Dr. Parker het baie kom inloer en die fisioterapeut, Marulize, was altyd op tyd vir my oefeninge. Dit het so goed gegaan dat ek n volle dag vroeër kon huistoe gaan! Ek wil net vir Dr. Parker, sy span en Louis Leopoldt Mediese Sentrum bedank vir hulle vriendelikheid en vir alles wat hulle vir my gedoen het. Ek kan weer sonder krukke loop!

Rudi Mastenbroek

Hi Trevor, so 'n ruk gelede, vinnig in jou praktyk ingeloer om vir jou dankie te sê vir die knievervanging wat jy vir my gedoen het begin Januarie 2016, maar jy was besig en vra toe sommer vir jou sekretaresse om dit aan jou oor te dra. Daar was geen enkele dag wat ek pyn gehad het nie, die fisioterapeut wat die knieoefening moes doen na die operasie, was baie tevrede met die buiging van die knie, en terselfdertyd beïndruk om my oefening gereeld te doen. Ek dink ek het veral gebaat by die fiets oefeninge wat ek elke dag gedoen het want ek kan my knie gemaklik agtertoe buig. Dis nou 18 maande na die operasie. Vir my ouderdom van 78 jaar, loop ek baie gemaklik, ry gereeld fiets, swem baie, en my knie is perfek. Kan net sê baie dankie vir 'n job well done.

Wilna Foot

Hallo Dokter wil net baie dankie sê dat jy so mooi na my gekyk het en dat jy altyd baie professioneel is.

Keith Dudley Arendse

Thank you so much for your expert care and continuous concern for my full recovery. If not for your expertise and care I surely would have lost the use of my arm. In addition to being an outstanding doctor, you are also a remarkable person. I really appreciate your kind and caring spirit. I have no doubt that God guides you every day in all that you do. You and your staff make your patients feel comfortable and relaxed the moment they step into your office. Thank you very much, Dr. Parker. God bless you, your family and your staff.

Mandy Kock

I am so grateful to have been referred to Dr. Parker, with my joint problems. I was born with irregular-shaped hip and shoulder joints (which I only discovered in my late thirties, as I started having serious, continuous pain). He always took all the necessary steps to avoid surgery, and then if the non-surgical treatments did not succeed in relieving the pain, he surgically fixed my joints with arthroscopic surgery. I highly recommend him. He is a fantastic surgeon and person, and if I have any joint problems in the future, I will always trust his opinion.

G M Somdaka

I started to know Dr. Parker in February 2018 when I was referred to him by my GP for a hip examination. By that time I was hopeless living with pains day and night. The first day I met him I became overwhelmed with hope. Starting with the reception I got from his secretary, I got rejuvenated as she told me that I'm going to be in the hands of a good doctor and I must stop panicking. The hospitality I got from Dr. Parker and his team including his team in the theatre was so unprecedented and unparalleled. I had to undergo two hip replacements in a row. I got the other side of Dr. Parker when I was thanking him for the wonderful thing he did, he said, "Do not thank me, thank your God". Now I am on the fifth-month post-surgery, I walk free without any pain and crutches and I am back at my work. Dr. Parker and his team supported me physically, emotionally and spiritually. So I say it loud without any reservations that Dr. Parker and his team are the best ever.

Mev June Smit

Ek wil net uit my hart dankie sê aan Dr. Parker vir alles wat hy die afgelope jare vir my as pasiënt beteken het. Twee volle knievervangings na mekaar was geen grap nie…maar as jy ‘n doktor soos Dr Parker aan jou kant het, is daar niks om oor te bekommer nie. Hy het alles in sy vermoë gedoen om eerstens die knievervangings te voorkom maar aangesien die skade aan beide my knieë so groot was het hy my verduidelik en deur albei vervangings bygestaan. Ek kon vir geen beter doktor in die wêreld vra nie. Ook na die vervangings, ek het 'n hele aantal kere lelik geval, het hy met die grootste sorg na my omgesien en seker gemaak dat daar geen skade is aan die prostese nie. Dis nie net sy mediese kennis wat jou dadelik opval nie maar sy regte omgee vir sy pasiënte, wat hom so 'n uitstekende dokter maak. Ek sal Dr. Parker aanbeveel vir enige persoon wat 'n Orthopediese Chirurg benodig, nie net omdat hy die beste is nie maar ook omdat hy werklik omgee vir sy medemens.

Marius Jonas

Met dankbaarheid kan ons vandag terug kyk en ons Liewe Vader dank dat hy ons gelei het na Dr. Parker in ‘n noodsituasie. Ons vader van 88 jaar oud het geval, sy heup gebreek en is verwys na Dr. Parker deur n goeie vriend van ons. Sonder aarseling het Dr. Parker en sy spreekkamerpersoneel alle reëlings getref vir ‘n noodoperasie. Die verduideliking van die operasieproses wat Dr. Parker met ons gedeel het, het vertroue en gemoedsrus verseker. 3 Weke na die operasie kon ons sien dat my pa perfek gaan herstel. Hy loop vandag sonder hulp en het nooit van enige ongemak gekla nie. Ons kan werklikwaar met gemoedsrus Dr. Parker en sy span verwys as van die beste!

Lee van der Bergh

The ankle and heel surgery was a very scary thought for me. Not only am I self-employed as a personal trainer, being mobile is very important to me and my brand of training. Dr. Parker has literally held my hand on this scary journey. I am happy to report that the operation was a success and I am well on my way to full fitness. Yours in health and fitness.

Ronald Lebuso

This letter is to show my appreciation for your spectacular work and commitment to your patient. You have shown utter compassion and love throughout my case and helped me in the battle to proceed with my knee replacement surgery. You are not just a doctor to your patients but a friend, you are entirely committed to your job and stand for what is right. If it wasn’t for you I would have never been able to have the operation done but through your expertise and compassion, it was successful. You helped me fight and complete all obstacles along the way. I would just like to thank you, doctor, for your good deeds that you have done for me. I will always be grateful for your commitment towards your patients. I can truly say that you became a doctor for one reason and that is to save lives. Your patient forever.