Foot surgery is usually recommended by your orthopaedic surgeon to relieve pain, correct a foot deformity, or restore function in your foot and/or ankle.
1. Arthroscopy for Foot Surgery
Arthroscopy is a type of endoscopy — a surgical technique used to look inside the body without cutting it open. Performing arthroscopic surgery on the foot or ankle requires the use of a very small fiber-optic camera called an arthroscope.
2. Arthroplasty Foot Surgery
The surgical repair or replacement of a diseased joint is known as arthroplasty. This procedure may be considered when conservative treatments no longer provide adequate relief from joint pain and/or disability.
3. Fasciotomy
When conservative treatment options fail, a fasciotomy may be considered. This procedure is usually done on those with overuse injuries.
4. Open Ankle Surgery
Open ankle fusions are performed on those who may be suffering from an ankle disorder or deformity.
5. Ankle Replacement Surgery
Arthroplasty surgery is not as common as other foot surgeries, and is usually the last resort for those with joint problems in their feet or ankles.
6. Foot Bunions
Bunion surgery is generally a last resort for the treatment of stubborn bunions.
7. Foot Trauma
Often taken for granted, our feet and ankles are subjected to a rigorous workout everyday. They absorb all the demands which the body and legs place on them.
The feet and ankles are the most frequently injured areas of the body. Injuries may result from accidents or from conditions which often indicate a more serious medical problem, such as arthritis or diabetes.
8. Foot Fracture Surgery
There are 26 bones in the foot, all of which can be fractured. There are different types of fractures. Sometimes a bone breaks but stays in place (non-displaced). Sometimes a bone breaks into two pieces that move apart from one another (displaced). Other types of fractures include a bone that is broken in multiple places (comminuted) and a bone that breaks through the skin after fracturing (open fracture).
If you injure your foot, your orthopaedic foot and ankle specialist will take X-rays to see if you have a fracture. X-rays will identify the type of fracture.
Most fractures but some smaller and more subtle fractures may require CT or MRI scans to be seen.